Upon ingestion of a document into the Vector System, Vector's Imaging Module may be able to detect the format and automatically assign a Document Type accordingly.
To set-up the automatic assignment of a document type, follow the steps below.
Set Up Automatic Doc-typing
Set up an automatic Document Type assignment by choosing a file to create a document type template from. Then, tell the system which Document Type to assign accordingly for any documents ingested that match that template format.
There are 2 ways to create a template:
- Create a template based off an existing document in the Imagine Queue
- Upload a new file to the template creation screen
The steps below outline these two methods. You can create templates from PDF, JPG, PNG, or TIF file types. We recommended to use an empty, non-scanned version of a document to build a template from. It will result in a higher accuracy of auto-indexing.
Method 1: Create a Template from a Queued File
1. Ingest the file you wish to create a template from into the Vector Imagine Module. Follow the instructions here to learn how.
2. Click on the Imaging tab on the left side. Then, click on the file with a status of "Queued" that you want to create a template from.
2. On the top right corner of the screen, click on the three dots. In the dropdown menu, select Create auto-imaging template.
3. In the box that appears, first select a Document Type.
NOTE: If you do not see the Document Type label you'd like to assign to this template, create a new Document Type by following the steps here or email support@withvector.com
Next, enter a Template Name. This could be a variation on the chosen Document Type label, or it could be the same as the Document Type.
The chosen file will already appear next to Templates.
4. Click SAVE.
Your template has been created. Proceed to the last part of this help article to test.
Method 2: Create a template by uploading a new file
1. Navigate to the Imaging tab. On the top-right corner, select the TEMPLATES tab.
3. In the box that appears, first select a Document Type.
NOTE: If you do not see the Document Type label you'd like to assign to this template, create a new Document Type by following the steps here or email support@withvector.com
Next, enter a Template Name. This could be a variation on the chosen Document Type label, or it could be the same as the Document Type.
Lastly, upload the template file.
4. Click SAVE.
Test Auto Doc-typing
Ingest a file into Vector's Imaging Queue. Follow the instructions here to learn how.
Click into the ingested file on the Imaging Screen.
Vector's imaging module will automatically assign and populate with a Document Type if the system can match one of templates that have been set up.
Not working? Try re-creating the template from a cleaner, clearer file. Once complete, click into the Queued image, click the three dots on the top right corner of the screen, and select Reimage. Wait to see if the Document Type field populates this time around.
Before you're able to publish a Doc Type'd file, the primary reference number field on the document will need to be populated. More fields may need to be filled in if the Document Type has been customized.
This can be done manually or automatically.
To learn how to do it manually, follow the instructions here.
To set up this template for automatic assignment of the primary reference number, follow the instructions here.
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