If you’re struggling to start your Vector check-in, here’s how to get started with the Vector Mobile App and/or text to check-in. If you are still stuck, this guide will also show you how to contact a facility employee.
On the Vector Mobile App
1. Tap on the orange plus icon in the bottom right.
2. Tap on the type of workflow type you are starting.
NOTE: The facility name will be in the workflow type.
If you are still unable to start a workflow, find a facility staff member to assist you.
Text Check-In
1. Text the phone number on the Vector banner at the facility.
2. Answer the text prompts.
3. Click on the link to check-in.
If you don’t get responses from the phone number and are taken to this screen instead, click on the orange “here” link.
If you are still struggling to start a workflow after these steps, please find a facility staff member to assist you.
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