If your TMS is connected with Vector, there are two ways to locate the same document in the Web Portal: 1) via the Documents tab. 2) via the Orders tab.
Learn how to view documents associated to an order/trip by following the below steps.
Please Note: The information contained within the Orders, Trips, Carriers, Contacts, Customers, Drivers, and Location tabs are pulled from your TMS for visibility. Changes made to the information in these tabs will not be reflected in your TMS.
1. Log into your account on app.withvector.com and navigate to the Orders tab.
2. Click the FILTER button at the top of the page, to the right of the Sales Order label.
3. The filtering panel will pop up next to the documents along the left-hand side. Select the Reference Number field and type in the order number/load number of the document you'd like to view. Alternatively, you can select the Driver field and type in the name of the driver's whose assigned orders you'd like to see.
4. Click the line item of the order you'd like to view.
5. A panel on the right side of the screen will pop-up to reveal the selected order's details. To the far right, you'll see the DOCUMENTS label in between ACTIVITY and INVOICE. Any scans that have been uploaded against that load will appear in a list order here. Click on the document image or name to view the document.
For more information on what you can do with a document once it's in your Web Portal, see these articles: https://withvector.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/sections/360005125314-Managing-Documents
Troubleshooting: If no documents appear under an order, a driver has not submitted anything in their mobile app yet. In your TMS, verify that order has been assigned to the correct driver. Additionally, verify that the Vector driver account has been linked to the TMS driver account. If this step has not been done or has been done incorrectly, the driver will not see the correct orders in their mobile app and thus, won't be able to submit documents attached to the order. Here's how you can check.
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